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Books And Resources To Help You


How to Survive a Divorce

By Allison Jones and Owen Lockwood,  2016 (available on amazon.com)

Helps you navigate the legalities – from dividing assets, to spousal support, to child custody – while also offering practical and encouraging tips on how to deal with the emotional side of divorce.

How to Heal A painful Relationship; and if Necessary Part as Friends

By Bill Ferguson,  1999   – as featured on Oprah

Discover what creates and destroys love. Learn why your relationship doesn’t work and end the cycle of conflict.  Heal your hurt and be free of guilt, anger and resentment. Resolve disputes effortlessly and restore the love, one human being to another.

Dinosaur’s Divorce, A Guide for Changing Families

By Laurence Kransy Brown & Marc Brown; Joy Street Books, 1986, Little Brown & Co.
For every young reader, this picture book is easy to read and understand. The colorful make-believe dinosaur families who have divorced help illustrate common feelings and typical situations that children of divorced parents experience. Highly recommended.

Sharing The Children, How to Resolve Custody Problems and Get on With your Life

By Robert E. Adler, Ph.D., Adler & Adler, Publishers, 1988.

Focuses on the needs of the children after divorce. Deciding custody, visitation and positive negotiating are explored in an effort to reduce the pain of the separation for the children as well as the spouses. Appendices include self-help checklists, child development chart and custody rules.

Getting Apart Together (A Couple’s Guide To A Fair Divorce Or Separation)

By Martin A. Kranitz, Impact Publishers, 1987.

Emphasizes equity and the reduction of animosity during separation and divorce. Suggests an attitude of looking at the situation “as a problem to be solved jointly rather than a battle to be won or lost”. This book includes a discussion agenda, budget worksheet and more.

Second Chances

By Judith Wallerstein – Ticknor & Fields, 1989.

A picture of divorce, based on the only ten-year longitudinal study of divorce ever conducted. An exploration of the complexities, tragedies, and opportunities inherent in divorce and an explanation of the ripple effects extending beyond the family. Especially beneficial in understanding the effects of divorce on children and how they can be minimized.

Growing Up Divorced

By Linda Bird Francke, Ballantine Books, 1983.

Written for divorced parents, this book guides them along the prevalent behavior exhibited by children of divorce. Seven of the twelve chapters are devoted to specific age groups and how, at each level, children might perceive their situation emotionally and logically.

Divorce Book For Parents, Helping Your Children Cope With Divorce and its Aftermath

By Vicki Lansky, New American Library, 1989.

Begins with the initial separation of parents, moves through the legal process and options of custody and ends with suggestions on how to handle explicit scenarios such as family gatherings and dating. An easy to read, nuts-and-bolts guide which also lists the addresses and phone numbers of several support organizations.

Why Are We Getting A Divorce?

By Peter Mayle, Harmony Books, 1988.

Intended to be read by a parent to the younger child, this book explores reasons why parents divorce and how life is changed because of it. The book suggests ways to make life a little easier by focusing on recovery rather than sadness and alleviating family stress.

The Boys and Girls Book About Divorce. (For Children & Their Divorced Parents)

By Richard A. Gardner, M.D.

Recommended for parents and children with good reading skills. Focuses on how children can handle problems. Based on real situations that have come up for children of divorced homes, this is a self-help book for children on how to deal with their divorced parents.

Helping Children Cope with Divorce, Revised and Updated Edition

By Edward Teyber

Co-Parenting After Divorce: How to Raise Happy, Healthy Children in Two-Home Families

By Diana Shulman

Caught in the Middle, Protecting the Children of High-Conflict Divorce

By Carla B. Garrity & Mitchell A. Baris San Francisco: Jossey-Bass

It’s Not Your Fault Koko Bear: A Read Together Book for Parents and Young Children During Divorce

By Vicki Lansky

Families Are Forever! Kids Workbook for Sharing Feelings About Divorce

By Melissa F. Smith