The guidelines for the support of a child in this section are specifically designed to apply to situations in which the obligor’s monthly net resources are $8550 or less.
The guidelines for the support of a child in this section are specifically designed to apply to situations in which the obligor’s monthly net resources are $8550 or less.
If the obligor makes $9,200.00 net per month, that parent will pay $1,840 for one child and $2,300.00 for two children. If the obligor’s net income is less than $9,200.00, then it is a simple calculation. If the obligor nets $2,000 per month, he or she would pay 20 percent, which is $400 per month. The obligor will be allowed to pay half on the first and half on the fifteenth of each month or in the manner in which he or she is paid at work.
If the obligor’s net resources exceed $9,200 per month, the court shall presumptively apply the percentage guidelines to the first $9,200 of the obligor’s net resources. He or she would pay $1,840 for one child and $2,300.00 for the two children.
Without further reference to the percentage recommended by these guidelines, the court may order additional amounts of child support as appropriate, depending on the income of the parties and the proven needs of the child. However, in no event may the obligor be required to pay more child support than the greater of the presumptive amount or an amount equal to 100 percent of the proven needs of the child.
If the parent paying child support has children from another relationship who are not involved in your case, the Texas Family Code allows that parent to pay a lower percentage of his or her income to account for the fact that he or she has other children to support. The percentage of income that a parent who has children in multiple households should pay is set out in the following chart.
TFC Section 154.129: An Alternative Method of Computing Support for Children in More than One Household
Numbers in the far left column indicate the number of other children the obligor has a duty to support who are not before the court in the current action. Numbers across the top indicate the number of children before the court. If the other parent is obligated to pay child support, it will be reduced from the standard 20 percent (for one child) to 17.5 percent There is a chart promulgated by the attorney general’s office on our website that provides further details.
Under the current child support guidelines, the amount of child support for one child will be set at 20 percent of the paying parent’s net income. The percentage applied to the parent’s income increases if there is more than one child before the court. If that parent has other children who are not before the court, the percentage applied to his or her income decreases. For example, under the current child support guidelines, if a parent has one child before the court and a second child who is not before the court and whom the parent has a duty to support, that parent will pay 17.5 percent of their net income as child support for the child before the court.